The Impact of Social Media on People

Nowadays, most people use internet and social media in their daily life. According to We Are Social data, there are 191 million social media users in Indonesia in 2022. It’s a fantastic number!

Well, today social media has changed the way we communicate and behave. Not only in groups or society, but among people individually.

We all know the social media like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter bring positive things to our life. For example, we can connect with the people from other countries. We can build a network and create personal branding, share our opinion and our activities on social media.

The Impact of Social Media on People
Social media and it's impact for people (foto :

Guys, you can learn so many things on social media. You just have to follow the right account to improve yourself. Do you love writing and want to be a writer? You can follow some of the writers on social media. Do you want to be an illustrator? You can learn from illustrator on social media. Social media and internet can create so many new professions and jobs, like influencer.

We know celebrity and top influencer like Atta Halilintar and Jerome Polin got million subscriber on internet. You can be like them. Being a content creator, making video on Youtube, or contents on Instagram. There are so many exciting things that we can find on social media.

After all, everything in this world has two sides. Social media not only has many benefits but they also has negative impact for people. It depends on how we use the tool. In fact, social media can bring negative things like hoax news, online bullying, pornography, phising, and so on.

In 2022, Microsoft in their research about Digital Civility Index (DCI) reported that Indonesia’s netizen got the lowest rank among the countries and became the rudest netizen in South East Asia.

Mmm, have you ever seen some celebrities' Instagram accounts and found so many hate speeches in their comment section? Or have you opened Twitter app and found so many wars at the timeline? It’ s terrifying to see how people easily bullying toward other people that they didn’t know in real life.

Yes, hate speeches is not cool and it can bring bad impact for the victim. They can be stressed, depressed and experience other mental disorder. Some people said that it's just a joke. They even said, don’t be too sensitive. It’s normal for the celebrities to get bad comment and it’s the risk of becoming a popular person. So, they have to accept it. Do you agree with them?

For many people, social media is not real because we only know them online. We never meet them in real life. However, do you realize that people on social media are real? They are just like us.

Celebrities are just human beings like us too. They can feel angry and sad because of our bad comments on their social media.

Well, have you ever heard about digital footprint? It's about all data that someone left on digital usage. Their searching activities on Google or website, their posting or comment on social media and even an email leave a digital footprint.

Now, Indonesia has UU ITE. So, please behave well and properly on the internet. Don’t be rude or you can be sued. Our future will be messed up because of our evil typing. Be careful.

In social media, there are some digital ethics that we have to follow. You have to be polite and respect other people on social media. You have to watch your typing and be a wise social media user. So, there are some tips on how to use social media wisely and mindfully:

1. Be respectful of yourself and others. Post a positive content with appropriate caption.

2. Be polite. No spamming, no hate speech, no SARA issues, no provocative or hoax sharing.

3. Social media is not your diary. Don’t post personal information or over sharing.

4. Strain before sharing. Check the information before you share something. Is it a fact? Is it important for others? If not, don’t share it.

5. Use your time wisely. Don’t surf on social media for too long.

Those are five tips on how to use social media wisely and mindfully. Be wise and be careful. Use social media for positive ways to improve ourself.

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